Monday, January 26, 2015

Shape Walk with Kindergarten for 3-D Shapes

This past week, kindergarten students went on a shape walk around the school. This walk was similar to one that we did earlier in the year with flat shapes, except for this time we were looking for 3-D shapes!

Students were searching the school high and low for 3-D shapes including: cylinders, cones, rectangular prisms, cubes, and spheres.

We were not sure how many shapes our kindergarten students would find, but they amazed us! They found 3-D shapes everywhere. Check some of them out below!

Next we will be putting these 3-D shapes into a Padlet, where we will again review what it means t be a 3-D shape and then provide the shape name and give the attributes of the shape. Our class Padlet will then be posted on the teacher blog and here to share the great kindergarten searching and thinking! Look forward to it!



Thursday, January 22, 2015

Our New Take on Field Trips

We now have a new way to reflect on field trips. During the 2nd grade trip to WKYC, students took pictures to document their learning with the iPad. They then reflected on their learning once they returned to school. This reflection helped students not only to process their learning during the trip, but also allowed them to practice and demonstrate 21st Century skills, including sharing their ideas and learning digitally through pictures and words with a their peers, parents, and community. Check out their work below!

Cross Curricular in Grade 1: Merging Math and Social Studies

There are some topics that lend themselves so well to cross curricular work. Once of those topics happen to be Maps in the first grade Social Studies curriculum.

Geography Strand:4: Maps can be used to locate and identify places.
MD 1. Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

Students used Google Maps to plot out a route from the site of their new transition site school, to their original school. Using student prior knowledge about their community, the directions (North, South, East, and West) were reviewed and talked about in relation to the new transition site. Lake Eire is North, Fairview Park is South, Rocky River is West, and Cleveland is East.

The directions were then used by students to create a walking map from St. Luke School to Lincoln Elementary in Lakewood. 

After the map was created, we looked at how many intersections we would need to cross, where we would need to stop, look, and listen, as part of being a good citizen (again, drawing on prior knowledge).

We then asked students to look at the sidewalk in between each intersection and compare then lengths. We found which was longest and which was shortest. As a stretch, we also measured each length in feet with the ruler available on Google Maps to check to see if we were correct in our ordering of lengths.

You can see the interactive map that was shared with parents via Blogger below.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


During the past week, our fifth grade students have been working hard to answer the question: How does technology help you better meet the standard in the is what they came up with!

Friday, January 16, 2015

New Crew at Lincoln Elementary

A new club this year at Lincoln is the Lincoln News Crew.

Lincoln News Crew is a group of 13 fourth and fifth grade students who work collaboratively each week to plan, produce, and publish the Friday video announcements at Lincoln.

Through this club, we are reenforcing multiple 21st century skills, as well as classroom standards. Students are learning how to make news interesting with their script and the way in which our Anchors Deliver the Script. Students are learning how to record and edit video. But most importantly, students are learning to work together with their peers to plan something great and getting to see the end product of their work each week.

This club has been such a rewarding experience for each of these students and it has been such a pleasure to watch as the club evolves each week!

Check out our Lincoln News Crews Morning Announcements from this year so far below!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Preparing for the PARCC Assessment

During the last couple weeks before winter break and in the coming weeks, we will be helping students to prepare to show their smarts on the PARCC and Ohio AIR Assessments. We will be reviewing the tools available to them, as well as some of the sample test items.

As we have begun to review some of this material, it seems that our students are doing these types of tasks on a regular basis and it was so great to see the multiple strategies that were applied, especially on the Math Assessment.

We have been discussing the importance of PROVING your answer, just like lawyers so in court cases. We prove our answer in English Language Arts by going back to the text and providing evidence from the text. We prove our answer in Mathematics by showing our work and sometimes explaining our thinking in words.

For further practice with these sample tests, visit:

-4th Grade: Social Studies
-5th Grade: Science